Corp. Portal Links
Links to common used programs
Docker Installation script:
curl -sSL docker.igot.pw | bash
wget -O- docker.igot.pw | bash
- All Microsoft Portal Link Center
- Microsoft Azure
- CPU Benchmark
- Syncthing
- Anydesk
- Cheatsheets
- VPN test
- Youtube downloader
- VmWare Updater
- tldr: Simplified and community-driven man pages
- VmWare ESXi
- 8.0 JJ49K-66L41-M88P9-0V8AP-98860
- 7.0 H4021-0C1E2-483G9-0U2A4-8N83M
- 6.7, 6.5, 6.0 1J425-82JDL-58548-0C92P-CTN4H
- 6.0 1J601-4ULEJ-18180-08AUM-8XTPM
- ESXi Patches
- Putty
- LicDataViewer
- Kitty
- Victoria
- Sysinternals
- autoruns
- procmon
- procexp
- WindirStat
- Crystaldiskmark
- Classic Shell
- Block Windows Updates
- Bluescreenview
- IP Scanner
- Clear Cached Memory in Win2008
- HASP AKS Monitor
Web admin
PowerShell Installation script:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
Packages for users
choco install -y 7zip far adobereader googlechrome firefox opera sysinternals anydesk
Packages for servers
choco install -y 7zip far firefox kitty.portable sysinternals bginfo vmware-tools
Usefull Packages
choco install -y windirstat winscp vmwarevsphereclient Lockhunter ccleaner libreoffice-fresh SublimeText3
Host Name: <Host Name>
IP Address: <IP Address>
Boot Time: <Boot Time>
Free Space: <Free Space>
Logon Domain: <Logon Domain>
Logon Server: <Logon Server>
Memory: <Memory>
OS Version: <OS Version>
User Name: <User Name>
Volumes: <Volumes>
Template for WireGuard
PrivateKey = %PrivateKeyThere%
#Client IP
Address =
PublicKey = %PublicKeyOfServer%
# All IP And Network that will be accepted thru VPN
AllowedIPs =,
#Server address or IP with port
Endpoint = server.address.com:13231
WireGuard Windows Installation
WireGuard with non-admin account in Windows 10/11 PRO
1. Add Registry value From PowerShell:
New-ItemProperty "hklm:\software\wireguard" -Name "LimitedOperatorUI" -Value 1 -PropertyType "DWord" -Force
2. Add your user to the group Network Configurator Operators. from PowerShell run:
Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Network Configuration Operators" -Member "$username"
WireGuard with non-admin account in Windows 10/11 HOME
1. Download psexec from the sysinternals page:
or install it with chololatey
'choco install psexec'
2. Download nco.reg from this link
3. Open up an administrator console and type
`psexec -i -s regedit`.
4. Choose File->Import and select the nco.reg file.
5. Add your user to the group from PowerShell:
Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Network Configuration Operators" -Member "$username"
OR! You can do it from GUI: Run "control userpasswords2" and choose User you need and group "Network Configuration Operators"
6. Add Registry value From PowerShell:
New-ItemProperty "hklm:\software\wireguard" -Name "LimitedOperatorUI" -Value 1 -PropertyType "DWord" -Force
Iptables hints
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DROP
iptables -L INPUT -n --line-numbers
iptables -D INPUT %NUM%
Autoinstall scripts
Install Docker on Ubuntu 22.04
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alblackt/tools/master/deploy/ubuntu_docker_install.sh | bash