
Repository with usefull tools


Corp. Portal Links

  1. Wiki
  2. CheatShit

Links to common used programs


  1. DevOps Knowlege Base

Docker Installation script:

curl -sSL | bash
wget -O- | bash


  1. All Microsoft Portal Link Center
  2. Microsoft Azure
  3. CPU Benchmark
  4. Syncthing
  5. Anydesk
  6. Cheatsheets
  7. VPN test
  8. Youtube downloader
  9. VmWare Updater
  10. tldr: Simplified and community-driven man pages


  1. VmWare ESXi
    • 8.0 JJ49K-66L41-M88P9-0V8AP-98860
    • 7.0 H4021-0C1E2-483G9-0U2A4-8N83M
    • 6.7, 6.5, 6.0 1J425-82JDL-58548-0C92P-CTN4H
    • 6.0 1J601-4ULEJ-18180-08AUM-8XTPM
  2. ESXi Patches
  3. Putty
  4. LicDataViewer
  5. Kitty
  6. Victoria
  7. Sysinternals
    • autoruns
    • procmon
    • procexp
  8. WindirStat
  9. Crystaldiskmark
  10. Classic Shell
  11. Block Windows Updates
  12. Bluescreenview
  13. IP Scanner
  14. Clear Cached Memory in Win2008
  15. HASP AKS Monitor


  1. International Trade Data - Russia

Web admin

  1. Web Test Tool


PowerShell Installation script:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))    

Packages for users

choco install -y 7zip far adobereader googlechrome firefox opera sysinternals anydesk

Packages for servers

choco install -y 7zip far firefox kitty.portable sysinternals bginfo vmware-tools

Usefull Packages

choco install -y windirstat winscp vmwarevsphereclient Lockhunter ccleaner libreoffice-fresh SublimeText3


Host Name:	<Host Name>
IP Address:	<IP Address>

Boot Time:	<Boot Time>
Free Space:	<Free Space>
Logon Domain:	<Logon Domain>
Logon Server:	<Logon Server>
Memory:	<Memory>
OS Version:	<OS Version>
User Name:	<User Name>
Volumes:	<Volumes>

Template for WireGuard

PrivateKey = %PrivateKeyThere%
#Client IP
Address = 

PublicKey = %PublicKeyOfServer%
# All IP And Network that will be accepted thru VPN
AllowedIPs =,
#Server address or IP with port 
Endpoint =
  • WireGuard Allowed IP Calculator
  • WireGuard Windows Installation

    WireGuard with non-admin account in Windows 10/11 PRO

    1. Add Registry value From PowerShell: 
      New-ItemProperty "hklm:\software\wireguard" -Name "LimitedOperatorUI" -Value 1 -PropertyType "DWord" -Force
    2. Add your user to the group Network Configurator Operators. from PowerShell run:
     Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Network Configuration Operators" -Member "$username"

    WireGuard with non-admin account in Windows 10/11 HOME

    1. Download psexec from the sysinternals page:
    or install it with chololatey 
    'choco install psexec'
    2. Download nco.reg from this link
    3. Open up an administrator console and type 
    `psexec -i -s regedit`.
    4. Choose File->Import and select the nco.reg file.
    5. Add your user to the group from PowerShell:
     Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Network Configuration Operators" -Member "$username"
    OR! You can do it from GUI: Run "control userpasswords2" and choose User you need and group "Network Configuration Operators"
    6. Add Registry value From PowerShell: 
      New-ItemProperty "hklm:\software\wireguard" -Name "LimitedOperatorUI" -Value 1 -PropertyType "DWord" -Force
    Iptables hints
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DROP
    iptables -L INPUT -n --line-numbers
    iptables -D INPUT %NUM%
    Autoinstall scripts
    Install Docker on Ubuntu 22.04
    curl | bash